ASHTON FORD » Ashton Ford's Classroom Page

Ashton Ford's Classroom Page

Introduction- Hello! I am the 8th grade reading teacher at Redwater Junior High! This is my second year teaching, and my second year as a Redwater Dragon! I truly believe that literacy and being able to coherently express ourselves through our words are the most important skills we can have in life; these are the skills and values that I try to instill in each student that comes through my classroom. I also love to read and write, and I hope I can help every student that walks through my door either continue or discover a love for English this year. We are going to have an amazing year together!

Course Description-
  • The English language arts and reading Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) embody the interconnected nature of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking through the seven integrated strands of developing and sustaining foundational language skills; comprehension; response; multiple genres; author's purpose and craft; composition; and inquiry and research. The strands focus on academic oracy (proficiency in oral expression and comprehension), authentic reading, and reflective writing to ensure a literate Texas. The strands are integrated and progressive with students continuing to develop knowledge and skills with increased complexity and nuance in order to think critically and adapt to the ever-evolving nature of language and literacy.
  • The seven strands of the essential knowledge and skills for English language arts and reading are intended to be integrated for instructional purposes and are recursive in nature. Strands include the four domains of language (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and their application in order to accelerate the acquisition of language skills so that students develop high levels of social and academic language proficiency. Although some strands may require more instructional time, each strand is of equal value, may be presented in any order, and should be integrated throughout the year. It is important to note that encoding (spelling) and decoding (reading) are reciprocal skills. Decoding is internalized when tactile and kinesthetic opportunities (encoding) are provided. Additionally, students should engage in academic conversations, write, read, and be read to on a daily basis with opportunities for cross-curricular content and student choice.
7th Grade ELA
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1st Period- 8:00-8:47
2nd Period- 8:51-9:38
3rd Period- 9:42-10:29 (Conference/Teaming Period)
4th Period- 10:33-11:20 (Conference/Teaming Period)
5th Period- 11:24-12:11
6th Period (Dragon Time)- 12:45-1:12
7th Period- 1:16-2:03
8th Period- 2:07-2:54
9th Period- 2:58-3:45 (Advisory)
  • Wednesday Morning 7:35-8:00
  • Tuesday & Thursday Afternoons 3:50-4:20